Fluid Mechanics_Chapter_01_Properties of Fluids

Chapter – 01

Properties of Fluids

1. Introduction-

             It is a science that study the behavior of fluids at in raised or in motion.

  1. Hydrostatic

The study of behavior of fluids at raised is termed as or is called as hydrostatic.

  1. Hydrokinetic

                                    The study of behavior of fluids in motion but not the analysis of forces is known as hydrokinetic.

  1. Hydrodynamics-

    It is defined as the study of analysis of forces which causes the fluid to move as well as the forces visited by the fluid is called as study of hydrodynamics.

2. Fluid-

It is defined as a substance which can flow easily and offer a little resistance while changing its shape. It is classified in two categories that is liquid and gases.

 The properties of fluids depends on its phase like gas or liquid. The fluids further classified as 

  1. Ideal fluids -This fluids contains no viscosity, no surface tension and incompressible properties.
  2. Practical or real fluid- This fluids are available spin nature and having the properties mentioned in ideal fluids.
  3. Liquid fluids -These fluids having incompressible property.
  4. Gases - This fluid having compressible property means they are compressible in nature.

Hydraulic are divided into three more ways.

  • Petroleum based fluids
  • Synthetic based of fluids
  • Water.

Water is generally used in most of the hydraulic system but petroleum and synthetic based fluids are used in package power devices search as automated systems of machines which are used in industry for machining purpose. 

3. Type of fluids-

                        Following are the different types of fluids use in day to day life

  1. Ideal fluid - Ideal fluids are those Fluids which does not have any of following properties such as viscosity surface tension and compressibility. It is imaginary fluid and does not exist in actual nature.
  2. Real fluids - the fluid which possess viscosity surface tension and compressibility. Almost all fluids which camera cross the above properties are called real fluid.
  3. Newtonian fluid - the fluid which has constant viscosity and obeys the Newton law or of viscosity is known as newtonian fluid common fluids such as water kerosene air are some of the examples of Newtonian fluid.
  4. Non newtonian fluid - the fluid which does not obey Newton's law of viscosity and which has viscosity variations with the rate of deformation is called non newtonian fluid. The study of non newtonian fluids is termed as rheology.

Non newtonian fluid fall under the following categories.

  1. Plastic. Example sewage sludge, bingham plastic.
  2. Pseudoplastic. For example clay, milk blood liquid cement gelatin.
  • Dilatant substance. For example concentrated solution of sugar and water starch etc.
  • Thixotropic substance for example thixotropic jelly  and paints.
  • Rehopectic material.
  • Visco elastic material.

4. Properties of fluids-

  1. These are generally shapeless. Liquid takes shape of a container at horizontal surface while gases takes the entire shape of a container.
  2. Gases are compressible in nature while liquids are non compressible in nature or incompressible.
  3. Liquids evaporate with little pressure above the absolute zero or vacuum. Due to this the gases dissolved in water and start separating out from water at this pressure this is known as separation.
  4. Generally liquids are more capable to resist a little tension due to molecular attraction, because of this shear stress is induced between two adjacent layers which is generally called viscosity.

5. Functions of hydraulic fluids-

  1. It should translate a power buy any means required.
  2. It should lubricate the components of a system where it gets used.
  3. It should also act as a sealant.



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